Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Nathan Climbs a Mountain
It's been 25 years or better since, as a scout, I climbed the 3,124 feet that make up Table Rock mountain. As a high school cross country team runner, I was in pretty good shape back then. Even still, I remember huffing and puffing at a few points along the trail that are like a stairmaster gone wild. Well, God is good, and He's let me re-live those days; this time with my son, Nathan. Yes, Nathan is now a Boy Scout in Troop 750, and I'm one of his assistant scout masters! There's nothing like a second go around.
Nathan's first outing as a Boy Scout was officially the Friday before Memorial Day. We met other troop members at the Brownsville Cemetery in Summerville, and placed a flag on every grave bearing U.S. military service credentials. Several Cub Scouts were present as well, and it was a wonderful way to introduce Nathan to the heart of Boy Scouting by combining service to others with duty to country. It rained a little as we searched the grounds looking for those who had served our nation and had passed on. It was also the most appropriate way I can think of to start a weekend of Memorial Day scouting.
Saturday morning, we met at the church around 6:00am with packs full and excitement mounting. When everyone arrived, we packed up and hit the road to Table Rock State Park. Once there, the less experienced crew set up camp while those scouts who ranked First Class and higher set out on an overnight backpacking trip. It was great to see Nathan experiencing all these firsts...setting up a tent, carrying a pack, and making smores by the fire. Above right is a pic of Nathan with his new friend and fellow Phoenix Patrol member, Thomas, all smiles as they embarked on this challenging but fun journey to the mountain.
The next morning we set off on our hike up the mountain. Nathan carried his own lunch and water in a day pack, and trodded right along with the boys. Without exception, the boys in the troop are great. They all meet Nathan where he's at, and include him in on things. A couple of them signed him off on his requirements for his Scout badge, and helped him come out of his shell a bit. I tried to take a back seat and let the boys work with Nathan wherever practical, and I think he responded very well. We saw a black snake, salamander and butterflies along the trail, and slowly made it to the top. It was a lot harder for me than when I was young and just bounded up the trail, but it was a lot sweeter watching Nathan earn his way up that mountain.
At the top, one of the scouts, Billy, read the passage where Nicodemus came to Jesus wanting to know how to get to the Kingdom of Heaven. Billy read where Jesus explained that we must be "born again," to enter into God's Kingdom. I couldn't help but think back on all the lifesaving courses I'd sat through as a Boy Scout. They taught us how to give CPR, how to recognize and treat hypothermia, how to get off the mountain, out of the river, and even through wilderness alive. I even earned merit badges in orienteering, pioneering and wilderness survival. All valuable lessons to be sure, but Billy here explained the most important lesson of all...how to get out of life alive through Jesus. He just read a simple little leaflet, and spoke a few words, but the value of what he shared was profound. I hope that when the folks present think back on the breath taking beauty of that rock above the clouds, they recall the moment when directions were given to everlasting life.
Last night, we had our first meeting since the trip, and it was a Court of Honor. All the boys who hiked the mountain received a certificate documenting their achievement. Several of the boys received merit badges and their next rank. And, Nathan received his first rank, Scout. Of all the badges I received in my scouting, none compare to the satisfaction of watching my little man earn his first rank. Thanks for letting me share my pride in his accomplishment and offer this congratulations to Nathan and his fellow scouts.
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