We had just moved to San Angelo, Texas, and on a whim, I decided to take my daughter, Kristin, down to the River Stage by the Concho River. It was July 4th and we sat on the grass and listened to Souza and Gershwin tunes. The ground shook with the cannons of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture at the Pops concert, and the fireworks rose up into the night, raining back down into the river. Afterwards we walked over the bridge hand in hand to the carnival they had set up and rode the Scrambler ride. Walking back to the car, my little girl looked up at me and told me that it was the best day of her life. I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought thinking to myself how only an 8 year old would think that music, fireworks and a carnival qualify as a "best day of your life" moment. Looking back now, I realize that I left out the most important part...my daughter valued her time with me above every experience she could recall to date. I hardly deserved it, but through clearer eyes, I can now look back and offer Kristin a belated, "yeah, I know exactly what you mean." Happy Independence Day...I love you Kristin!